There's a little neighborhood near Raley Field. Not much going on there, it's still pretty desolate, but makes for a nice little location to do a shoot. Tons of space and lots of dead things.
Megan (@_paraselene)
Kenji (@kenjibennett)
So i've been shooting a lot lately. Lots of little opportunities popping up left and right, I can't say no to any of the ones that I know I need to take on. So when Kenji wanted to get together to shoot on a wednesday morning I had to go. Granted, I really was burning out and didn't want to do any work setting up, he delivered and came up with a great location and got Megan in on the shoot. Working with Megan once before I knew it was going to be a fun shoot. She's such an energy ball to go hang out with. After meeting up, we took strolls around the neighborhood and took advantage of all the scenery around us. Large open fields of dirt and dead brush, the city in the background, and lots of nice views from an unfamiliar spot. There was one shot I wanted to get, no matter how cliche it is, and you'll see it as the last image in the set. It took a 2nd attempt to get, as the 1st one failed miserably. Let me just say that big leaves are not good for throwing at people... photogenically speaking.
Oh yeah. And then we got coffee at Insight.
It was a good day.